EVV Software (Electronic
Visit Verification) for home care agencies.

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Electronic Verification Software (EVV) is an integral component of  home care agencies. It allows for a more comprehensive home care solution. The software is able to capture the exact arrival and departure time of the caregiver as well as the location of home care visits. This streamlines billing and payroll and enables reimbursement.

EVV is the law

EVV verifies that your home care services were performed appropriately. Moreover, it is required by law per the 21st Century Cures Act. You need to have electronic proof of the following items to be compliant.

  • Client, Service Type and Date of Service
  • Caregiver and exact time of arrival and departure
  • Location of care (Verified by GPS or Telephony)
EVV software Methods

Your home care software needs integrated EVV. The most common EVV methods are Mobile Apps that verify location by GPS, and voice telephony that verifies location via caller ID (ANI). The alternate method is a token device (FOB) placed in the home.

  • EVV Mobile GPS
  • EVV Telephony
  • EVV FOB token
EVV Offline Mobile App

EVV via an Offline Mobile App is critical to compliance. EVV is mandatory, but not all home care recipients have land-line phones nor do they have good mobile coverage in the home. The solution is an EVV mobile app that works offline

  • Works offline
  • Captures time and GPS
  • Auto-syncs when back in coverage
EVV is different in each state

Medicaid programs are administered at the state level. Each state makes its own decisions on how to administer their EVV program. To find out how EVV is implemented in your state, click here. Outlined below are three key models.

  • Provider Choice - You choose software
  • State or MCO Mandate - You must use theirs
  • Hybrid - State provides a basic option but you choose

How does EVV software work?