You might appreciate how easy it is to manage relationships with other providers and referral sources using Ankota's Xchange Care Coordination Portal. Even more importantly, this technology helps you position your business as a valuable partner in emerging ACO models.
Ankota's Xchange Care Coordination Portal connects providers to collaborate on care planning and delivery, from hospital to home. It's the future of healthcare delivery and Accountable Care models, and Ankota is leading the way with secure, web-based technology to coordinate and manage the model.
Xchange is used by major health systems, home health care agencies, therapy agencies, wellness organizations, and more. With the emergence of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and as more care moves outside of hospital walls--especially to mitigate avoidable readmissions--demands for technology to help health care providers coordinate services is skyrocketing.
Providers use the portal to collaborate on patient care, sharing care plan information and allowing them to plan, schedule and track their work in real time in a fully integrated service model. Xchange even allows stakeholders to share necessary reports and billing information as required...all in a secure, compliant way!
Please contact us by clicking on the button below and we will be happy to show you how simple it is to coordinate care with other organizations.