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Driving Clients and Caregivers to your Home Care Website (guests Khadira Muhhamad and Carl Rogers)

This episode of Home Care Heroes is all about growing by bringing more clients and caregivers to your home care website. We feature two guests: Khadira Muhammed focuses on driving traffic to your site with Google ads and making sure that you keep in touch with everyone who visits your website.  Carl Rogers talks about getting your website into some key online directories so even if your site doesn't make the first page of Google searches, you'll be in directories that do.

Both guests tell the same story - that their initial intention was to help drive clients to home care websites, but that they quickly learned that attracting caregivers is at least as important if not more.

Khadira offers some great advice for smaller agencies that tell you how to "stay on the radar screen" of people who visit your site, but then talks about how she works with agencies with $1M or more in revenue to grow them by millions using Google Ads. Khadira's website is 

Carl and Khadira both talk about the importance of having a good profile in "Google My Business." Then Carl talks more deeply about his area of expertise and passion which is online directories.  He encourages home care agencies to claim and pay attention to free listings like GoogleMyBusiness and Yelp, but then talks about his own company CareListings. Carl anticipates 2 million site visitors this year including caregivers and care seekers (clients).  You can list your agency (with pictures and a link to your website) AND post your job openings for FREE.  There are also some paid premium services to see profiles of caregivers in your area (even if they didn't look at your job posts) and to have your agency featured in your geography.

Home Care Heroes is produced and sponsored by Ankota - the Software for the Heroes of Home Care. We truly embrace the notion that caregivers and home care companies are heroes. Our top priorities simplicity, caregiver retention and outstanding service. Visit us at https://www.ankota.com.


Ken Accardi (00:01):

This episode of home care heroes is about how to bring more clients and caregivers to your website using internet advertising and important online directories. And we have two special guests.

Announcer (01:02):

Welcome to the home care heroes podcast, featuring trending topics and practical wisdom for success in home care. Here's your host, Ken Accardi.

Ken Accardi (01:14):

Well, hello and welcome back to home care heroes, the podcast for the heroes of home care. Today, we're here with Khadira Muhammad who has an agency called local senior marketing dot com and Khadira is an expert in all things about the internet and social media and marketing online. We're really, really glad to have you today, Miss Khadira. Thank you for joining.

Khadirah Muhhamad (01:39):

Thank you so much, Ken. I appreciate the offer. Really looking forward to this.

Ken Accardi (01:43):

Today's episode falls in the arena of growth. We're going to talk about some advanced online marketing things to help that $2 million dollar agency to grow to 3 million, 4 million, 5 million. If that's where you are, then Khadira is your girl. She's all about growth and that's what we're going to talk about today. But given that some people who listen to the podcast are just starting out and trying to get to 10 clients or15 clients. What are the very basic things they should have for their online presence for a startup home care agency?

Khadirah Muhhamad (02:17):

Absolutely. That's a great question. The number one thing I'm going to say that you're going to need is definitely having a website, not just a Facebook page. A lot agencies may just use their Facebook page that they have, but it's so important to have your own website. It doesn't have to be complicated. It could even just be one page or a couple of pages talking about the services that you provide, the personal care companion care, but you need something. It's more about credibility and starting to get Google to notice you and realize, "Oh, this is a new business that we have on the internet streets." And we want to start getting you noticed there. So number one, having a website, number two, you want to sign up for what's called Google My Business. This is an easy place for brand new agencies to get calls coming from the Internet.

Khadirah Muhhamad (03:10):

I talk about this in an ebook that I have, but it's a it's very simple to sign up and it's free and you can put your information there and put your phone number there. A lot of times when people are searching for home care near me, they're going to find that Google my business listing, they'll see your name and they'll be able to call you from right there. A lot of my clients, big and small say that they get a lot of their calls organically from the Google, my business pages. So getting that set up is going to be great. And then my last one is definitely going to get set up in other directories, especially Yelp, and another one people don't really think about is Bing. Bing has their own version of something like Google. My business. Most people don't consider it because it's not a lot of traffic, but a lot of older people still use Bing because it's the default browser that people end up having on PCs. Again, both of those are free, easy ways for you to get your phone number out there online and to be able to spread it.

Ken Accardi (04:06):

Perfect. I love that. Okay. So get your website out. Doesn't have to be complicated, but these are my services. This is my story. One page is good enough to get started. Then Google my business because although Google is a huge global entity, they're all about the local search. They really try to help answer "who provides home care near me." And then also think of the other places, Yelp and Bing. That's fantastic.

New Speaker (04:27):

So now let's move into your sweet spot a little bit. Now we're trying to get that bigger growth. I looked at your website, you talk about some cool things including retargeting and pay-Per-Click. If we want to grow, what are some things we should be thinking about when we're at that level? And we're just trying to move to the next level.

Khadirah Muhhamad (04:47):

Absolutely. I'm all about getting quick wins and when people are trying to grow the quickest way, in my opinion is being able to go into your lead nurturing database. So if you don't already have one, please create one. This is not like your database for scheduling your caregivers. Instead, it's people who inquired to be a client or inquired about your services. If you don't have a way to collect email addresses on your website right now, and you're a big enough agency, you have a good enough amount of traffic, even if it's just people searching for you because they were referred by the case manager. Please add something on there. It's just a quick email. Opt-In saying "sign up for our newsletter", but that's an easy way to go into that little database and say, Hey, we're looking for more clients or we're opened up or we have the space or Hey, is this a good time for you? Maybe it wasn't when you originally came to the site, but it is a very easy, simple, very cost effective next step.

New Speaker (05:51):

After that is going to be retargeting. So retargeting is just the process of getting back in front of people who previously came to your site. So this is advertising an easy way to think of this. As when you go online, let's say you're shopping for a new shirt and you go on that website and you click away for whatever reason. And then you keep seeing those ads on Facebook and they're buy this. You forgot to get this so on and so forth. Even though you didn't input any information like your email address or anything, they're still able to target you. And so that's a version of retargeting. I really suggest that agencies do that for themselves and being able to retarget people who came to your site, but maybe they didn't fill out a contact form. That's a pretty easy one.

Ken Accardi (06:37):

So this is a mysterious topic for everybody. I'm thinking what do I get for my wife for Christmas? I go look at a site or whatever. And all of a sudden I'm seeing those different banner ads are coming in on other sites and Facebook. So, so that's probably because when I go to the site, it puts like a cookie on my webpage. But if I want to do retargeting, even if they didn't give me their email, they're not on my lead nurturing list. They're not somebody who said, Hey, I'm interested in keeping in touch with your agency because my mom might need services down the road, but they came to my site and I want them to still know about me. So how does that retargeting work?

Khadirah Muhhamad (07:14):

Yeah. So how it starts is you want to pick like the platform that you want to utilize. Let's say in this case is Facebook. Facebook has, what's called a Facebook pixel and it's a piece of code that goes on your site. It goes on every page on your website, very easy to install on most sites anyway. And what it does is tracking the people that come to your site, tracking what they're doing and what pages they go on. It can see, did they fill out a form? Did they go to a thank you page? It can see all of that. And then from that data, you can go on Facebook and you can say, Hey, I want to send this ad to people who came to the site, but they didn't fill out a contact form or they didn't give me a call, which is a little bit more technical, but you can actually see if somebody gives you a call.

Khadirah Muhhamad (08:01):

And with that data that you have from the pixel, when you tell Facebook to find these people, if the list is big enough, which Facebook, the minimum is like a hundred people. So as in a hundred people who came to the site, but didn't fill out a form thinking to run these ads to them and you can say, Hey, are you still looking for care? Or you can really just talk about your story, which is more so what I recommend to people to do when they're actually trying to run an ad, talk more about your story, who you are, why you're at the best home care agency in the Detroit Metro area, and trying to get people to come back to the site, because what you want is to get those people to come back and give you a call. That's the really big thing. You want them to give you a call, especially if they're ready right then and there.

Ken Accardi (08:45):

So I'm not the biggest Facebook guy, but when I get my feed in Facebook, I see a friend posted this picture, etc. And it would be like in the stream. And then I'd say, Oh, there's this video from blah blah home care agency. We're all about taking care of your mom like they're our own mother. That's the ad. And then by doing this fancy Facebook pixel thing that keeps track of the fact that they came your way. But to your point, if Facebook doesn't have a hundred as a minimum, they're not going to go there. And that's why this isn't your "day one" stuff for opening your agency. This is for people who have been around for a while.

Ken Accardi (09:24):

All right. So we talked about you have your lead nurturing lists. that's your people who filled out a form. I'm interested in learning more, getting to know you, you've probably had a follow up call with them, but they say, well, I'm not sure my mom really needs care yet, but just trying to weigh my options. You want to stay in touch with them. That's our lead nurturing, right? Then we get our retargeting. That's what we just talked about. What's next?

Khadirah Muhhamad (09:51):

The next part, after that, I started with those two because they were the easiest ones. The next part after that is general advertising. And for home care agencies, I'm going to suggest you utilize Google ads. So you might be somewhat familiar, but to give you some introduction of Google ad issues and advertising, you see on Google when you search for anything. And so in this case, if somebody searches for home care near me would probably see those ads at the very top, maybe the first, second dirt, fourth as well are all ads saying, Hey, you know where the best home care like us, we have top reviews. People love us so on and so forth. I suggest people start advertising on Google for specific terms, Google. And let me say this. Google ads is very different than Facebook. Very, very different.

Khadirah Muhhamad (10:41):

And I'm going to suggest Google for this reason. Google ads only run when somebody is searching for whatever term you're advertising on. So what I mean is, if somebody is just searching for homes near me, you're not going to be, what's called bidding on home near me. You're going to be bidding on home care or live-in care. These are terms that somebody will be searching for when you're actually searching for your type of service. So that's a really, really key point. And that's why it's very powerful. It's called intent-based searching or intent based marketing and the higher intent that somebody has, meaning their intentions to actually do something the higher the intention is the more likely they are to convert in this case. If they're more, the more likely there are, they are going to, if you'll call it for that phone.

Ken Accardi (11:27):

Got it. Okay. So, so bottom line is if I came to somebody's side, I got that Facebook pixel, I might just show up in that person's Facebook stream. And, but, but we have no idea that they're really interested or looking for home care at this time. Whereas on a Google search, somebody says I'm right now in Narragansett, Rhode Island, I would say, I'm looking for home care. Narragansett, Rhode Island is bam. And those those are some of the search terms and I'm not searching for pizza. I'm not searching for anything else. Right? So it knows that, Hey, this person's looking for home care here. And that's how you want to set up your ad. And by having the ad, I mean, it does, Google does tell you it's an ad, but it pops up to the doctor top of the page. So especially if you're that smaller agency that's just getting started, you might be on page two or page three.

Ken Accardi (12:09):

And even if you're bigger reasons, it's hard to earn your way to that first page, especially like some of the big franchises, they have more pred than you do with Google, just because they're bigger and all that thing. So this is your way of getting there and okay, so perfect. So then one thing that we talked about is even on your website, it's all about we're going to help you get three to five new clients per month, which by the way, I mean, let's just do some, a little bit of math here, right? You follow. And by the way, here and I are both friends with Steve, the hurricane, you want to see the hurricanes things that he says, one of the keys to success in home care is don't take a client who needs four hours a week, eight hours a week, go for people who need 20, 30, 40 hours a week set a 20 hour a week minimum.

Ken Accardi (12:52):

You call it this thing, I call it 30 by 30 rule. If you have 30 clients who are paying, who are doing 30 hours a week, that's a million dollars for your agents. The 30 30 rule gets you a million dollars. So first of all, if TDR is helping you get three to five clients per week, I mean, that's like a freaking million clients in like less than six months, right? So there are a million dollars in less than six months. So it's amazing, but all of this is a lead in. You told me, you started helping people get more clients, but now you've transitioned a little bit because what are people really looking forward to these days?

Khadirah Muhhamad (13:23):

Maybe caregivers, maybe staff. They means that almost, almost as much as they need clients. If not more, whenever people are meeting me, they run into me on LinkedIn or they find us organically on our site. If they're not asking about clients, they're a hundred percent asking about caregivers. Hey, can you help do my caregivers? Can you do this out? We get staff, especially recently. It's been quite a bit of an issue for some agencies and they've come to me for consulting to figure out what they can do in the meantime. I mean, it made me consider, maybe this is a big enough issue. I need to try to address and provide solutions. Especially for my current clients. It started from my current clients. Then I realized so many people are asking us the same question. And yeah, we we've been working on a recruiting solution and it's still in the works, but really still utilizing digital marketing.

Khadirah Muhhamad (14:11):

But in this case, I'm not only just leaning on Google ads. So running ads to find caregivers on Google, but also running ads on Facebook and trying that a little bit differently because we've tested it. And there's quite a few caregivers that are on Facebook already, for whatever reason, but they're on there. And so we can get in front of them a little bit faster and getting them to respond, apply, hopefully getting them to actually show up to the interviews and show up to to, to actually work, which tends to be a bit of an issue as well. So we're working on that. That's a really big project I'm taking on. I'm very excited about it.

Ken Accardi (14:44):

Amazing. Well, that's really, really exciting. So I guess one thing we find tan code, we make home care software. So we, your caregivers and your clients and their care plans and their schedules and pocket ins cookouts and billing and payroll and all that. And we find that home care folk are not the most technical folks in the world. They're there because a lot of them, Hey, I was a nurse. I was taking care of somebody. I am all about the caregiving side. And I fear that maybe some people listening here, they're paying are getting Facebook ads, Google ads. I don't even remember what being is, got to do this thing. And then, ultimately there's all the mechanical pieces to do in this, getting it online. But then there's like the really, really important part, which is, and you mentioned it earlier, which is telling their story. It really comes down to the keywords, have to be the right word. Like we provide care. we're looking for caregivers, but it's all about telling the story. So like if they wanted to get help from somebody who's been there and done that, whose name rhymes with Madeira, they wanted to get some help from you. How would they reach out

Khadirah Muhhamad (15:44):

Several? You can just go to our website, local, senior marketing.com. You have the ability to book a call with myself or even somebody else on my team. And we'll actually talk about what you actually need. We're all about figuring out what's in the best interest of the other person and figuring out if something about what we do works well with you or figuring out another solution for you. There's a lot of different ways to do different things, but the easiest way to get in contact with us and start that conversation is definitely going to local senior marketing.com. Right?

Ken Accardi (16:11):

I love that. So local, senior marketing.com, that's where you, that's where you find Kadira and get the help. And I really liked the way that you outlined it because they can, they can get those quick wins and then make it progress. Right? So maybe the first thing they do is getting the lead nurturing, Hey, am I capturing the emails that people come by? Let's get you some advice there. Let's get you going with a newsletter. Now it might be step one. Then you move on to re-targeting the people who came to your site and then moving on and moving on. So it could be a relationship and you know how to, jump over each of those hurdles when the time come. And then I guess from money perspective, one thing we said when we were prepping for the call and when you move to tier four or five of this equation, I've already got my website. I got my lead nurturing. I'm doing a little bit here. Now. I want to do some Google ads. We're not talking 20 bucks a month here. Right? We're talking, they needed a decent budget for that. What does that look like?

Khadirah Muhhamad (17:02):

Yeah. At the bare minimum for like a regular metropolitan area in the United States, I'm going to suggest no less than $700 a month on Google ads. That's the minimum. You're in really big area. Like I have a client who's in New York. He spent way above that because he covers it's it's not New York city proper is more so around the long Island area, but still in the state of New York. It's a bit more of a pretty penny right there. You do have to have the ability to have consistent budgets or really see the return that you want to see from Google ads. And that's really for any advertising, but especially for Google ads.

Ken Accardi (17:40):

Okay? So it's not a cheap date, but I look at what the return and caregivers are, what get us the clients these days. So that's, I think why everybody's focused on the caregiver. So there's some metrics I've seen is really nice art publication from ARP. It's getting a few years old, but it shows in a really nice graph. The American's over 80 years old. And and today here we are in 2020 and we have around 14 million people over 80 years old, but we're jumping like the 30 million because it got all these baby boomers are on the way. And really even today with 14 million people in the home care aides are all struggling for caregivers. And really, I think that the agencies who love their caregivers and figure out how to get them and keep them, those are the ones that are going to become the three, four, $5 million reason C's and beyond

Khadirah Muhhamad (18:25):

Absolutely a hundred percent, the ones who know how to get them in and retain them, then retention, getting them, is already a difficulty, but being able to retain them and being able to, to not lose them just because of another agencies is paying up a quarter more per hour, that difficulty and it's any agency can solve that because they have a really good system. They're utilizing your software to be able to give their caregivers and their experience. They're going to be the winners. They're going to be the ones who are not only going to increase in revenue, but they're going to stay long-term. And what happens if they can provide those solutions that you provide? Most definitely.

Ken Accardi (19:02):

There we go. And that's what home care heroes is all about. So I think we'll wrap up on that note one more time. Thank you so much to you. You were able to Hammad again, it's local senior marketing.com. As Kira said here, she's happy to do a phone call with you at any stage you're at and try to figure out if there's a way that she can help you, or it's not point you in the right direction of what you need at this time and your evolution. That's very nice offer to you and have a fantastic day.

Khadirah Muhhamad (19:26):

Thank you so much, Ken. I appreciate it. This was great.

Ken Accardi (19:30):

Stay tuned. We have another fantastic guest for you. Carl Rogers, who runs care listings.com. Carl site is going to get around 2 billion visitors this year in 2021. And you could have your home care agency and your jobs listed there for free. Our special guest is Carl Rogers and Carl is the CEO of care listings. And you hail Carl from where the Pacific

Khadirah Muhhamad (20:02):

That's correct. You're in Seattle, Washington. Thank you for having,

Ken Accardi (20:05):

Thanks for joining us. And today we're going to talk about is building your online presence for your home care business. And that's something that, a thing or two about. I think that's a good topic for us to dive into. I think it's great. Let me ask you about this idea of directories. As you get a business directories, they discover you, and then they say, go ahead and clean your list. So are there any of those that they should avoid? And in general, do they go and jump on board with that?

Khadirah Muhhamad (20:29):

I think the ones that allow you to update your information for free are important ones that require you to pay, to update the information it's up to you. The free ones are the best place to start. I think the biggest value of them is being able to link back to your website. So claim those free listings and make sure you have your own website in place that you can link back as

Carl Rogers (20:48):

Essentially the authoritative canonical source for when people are looking for information about you. They all point back to who you are. Most of the individuals searching for the home care might be looking for home care in general, in the area and come across one of these directories and then see your listing. You want that to point back to you, there's going to be a much higher volume people looking for home care in general than just your agency. So being on the directories is important. I think the free ones are the best place to start

Ken Accardi (21:15):

Really good point. And we've talked about this with some other podcast guests where a lot of folks put a lot of credence in their brands. So my home carries is going to be called angels of love, home care. And then they do a lot of thinking. I really want people to find me when they're searching for angels of love, home care or precious home care, but that's not really what they're searching for. So what are people searching for Carl

Carl Rogers (21:37):

Care in their area? There are the one-offs where they're going to search for your name specifically, but by and large people are going to be looking for home care in their area. And that's where you want to show up. When you have your website, make sure it's mobile friendly because when people are searching nowadays, it doesn't have to be home care in Seattle, Washington, it's it could be home care near me. And how do they know where the near me is? It's because most of the people are searching on their phones and you want to show up. If you have a mobile friendly website, Google is more likely to show that trying to just be on the first page is difficult for the individual agencies. The ones that are up on the first page are the directories that show, what are those home care agencies near you? And that's why it's important to have all those listings pointing back to you on those directories. families looking for care it's professionals using it, case managers, and then the caregivers and nurses seeking employment opportunities with so many different home care agencies out there. People are looking for general care in their area. Not necessarily you as an agency,

Ken Accardi (22:33):

You gonna say home care near me, or if they're in Wellesley, Massachusetts, they're going to say home care, Wellesley, Massachusetts. Those are the words that you need to have on your site. But even if you do that, it's not like you could just build a brand new website and then come on page one, let's say that you're a home care agency in Wellesley mass, and you put up your site and then you search for home care Wellesley, and you might be going to page two, three, four, five, six, seven takes a while for Google and the search engines to discover you. It sounds like your expertise is in these directories. And given that the directory, and I guess in a sense we could consider Google itself, a directory Google. My business is Hey, we have a directory and we know where these home care agencies are.

Ken Accardi (23:12):

So they're a directory. So they make it to the top of the list and they have this focus on local, but then you also have those other directories, whether it be Yelp or care listings. So before we get into that, as we were talking before we started recording today, really, there's this crazy thing. In my experience, the smaller agencies say, I need clients and the Digger agency say I need caregivers, but in a sense, it's having caregivers is the key to getting clients. And so the whole idea of the home care heroes podcast is those caregivers are the heroes. They're your front line. And it actually seems that directories, they help you not only find the clients, but also find the caregivers. And why don't we transition a little bit into care listing? What happens on care listing? Tell us about the site.

Carl Rogers (23:54):

When we launched about two and a half years ago, the idea was let's help families and professionals have access to the most comprehensive resources, senior care providers and home care agencies in the country. If they're looking for your home care, they should be able to go on there, find a local agency and contact them. So we list every home care agency in the country, every assisted living community in the country, skilled nursing. And we really wanted to be that source for people looking for care. Shortly after we launched, we realized a number of caregivers were using us to try and find employment opportunities at these facilities. And so we somewhat transitioned. We still have a number of families and professionals using the site, but we've really become that single source for caregivers and nurses to go and explore all the senior care employers that are available in their area. Anybody can go to a care listings focused entirely on the U S we don't have somebody listed in their licensed agency. They can email us and we'll have their listing for them. First and foremost, just want to turn the lights on, on the available options to everybody out there.

Ken Accardi (24:53):

Got it. So we've talked about things like just being on Google and that's essentially free unless you want to buy ads and maybe claiming your listing and Yelp or whatever, that thing, but you're like a specialized home care directory. So it probably costs a lot of money to have your agency listed in care listings. Is that the case?

Carl Rogers (25:11):

No, we totally free. We allow any agency out there to claim their listing for free. They can add pictures, they can link their website. They can share information about themselves. One of my favorite features is they can build a coverage area map. So families can show the areas you serve. So we don't charge at all for that. We allow you to update the information and we even let cities and agencies post caregiver, job listings. So only direct care workers. That's only our focus office managers or administrative or marketing people. That's not us. We focus exclusively on the direct care worker. Okay.

Ken Accardi (25:44):

So this is great. Let me recap. A couple of things. Bottom line is that you started by saying, Hey, people need to find care for their family members. So you built this directory of places where they could get care for their mom, their dad, their loved one. And then you found that although you intended it to be for people who needed care, you also found that people who were looking for care jobs turned out to be a big group of people coming to care listings. And so you've done all this work to bring the information into the site. And if I am a home care agency and I'm on care listings and I haven't claimed my listing, I could go in there. I could say, here's where I am. Here's my coverage area. I could put up pictures and I can link in all kinds of things.

Ken Accardi (26:24):

And I'm pretty sure you said that is all for free. That's for free. Yeah. Okay, great. And in a sense, I guess if my area is well covered on care listings, my geography, that might be a good thing. But if my, if my area is not as well covered, that might even be a better thing. If I go into care listings and I say, Hey, who are the home care agencies around me? And I don't see a lot of companies. That would be a great opportunity to say, Hey, Carol listings put me on there and I'd imagine care listings is probably making it on the first page of Google. Is that your experience?

Carl Rogers (26:56):

Many of the searches. Yep. And many of those key area searches because we list everybody. If we don't have your agency listed, you can send us a note. Our business model is if you want to show up towards the top of the list and our directories, you can upgrade. But I think the biggest value is we have caregivers that come to care listings and they create these employment profiles and add their work history, some of their pictures and you as a business, if you upgrade in the future, you can contact caregivers to fill open positions in your agency.

Ken Accardi (27:28):

It sounds like you have all the information about your listing for free. You could even put job postings for free, but then there's a way that I could say, Hey, I'm a caregiver and I'm looking for this. And as an agency owner, if I want access to that, that's, that's a fee where if I want to have my agency, let's say featured, when somebody Googles for home care in my area, you want to pop to the top of the list. That's something you could pay a little bit more for, but in general, everything else is free and they could just go to you. So let me ask this question. If I'm a small mom and pop punk period, and see, I just started, I'm serving 30 clients, I'm just hitting a million in revenue. I am guessing that on the home care websites of these agencies, that they're probably getting 600 visitors a month or something like that. If they're doing pretty well, I've seen some numbers that look that way. I mean, do you have a guest with that? I'm just spit balling it.

Carl Rogers (28:17):

So this past year, our second full year, we had nearly 1 million users in the U S use our site defined senior care options. One of the additional things that we let the home cash home care agency see for free is how many times their listing has been viewed, as well as the other listings, the other home care agencies, how many times their listings have been viewed in the same. So you can see it on a graph. You can see the amount of views.

Ken Accardi (28:39):

My point was, if you put up your website and it gets, hundreds of visits, that's, that's probably really good, but you've got your cousin Carl over here, right? And he's got a last year, a million visitors to his site this year. We'll have probably close to 2 million. Okay. It's fantastic. Carl's going to attract, we think in 2021, close to 2 million, people are going to come to the site. And if your site is listed there, great, but you can provide whatever information you want. And if it's not listed there, you can just submit it to Carl. Okay. So I think that brings us to a good conclusion on this topic, but how do they find care listings? And let's say they go there right after this podcast and they say, Hey, I'm not on care listings. I want to get there. What did they do to get themselves onto care listings in the first place?

Carl Rogers (29:23):

So they go to Care Listings and look at the home care agencies. Or if you're a Medicare certified agency, look up the home health agencies try and find your listing. If you find your listing, you just follow the steps where it says is this your business claim, the listing. And it gets started if we don't have you listed, or if you need additional help, we have a contact us form at the bottom of the page. You can put in that information, share a little bit about who you are, and you're interested in listing your agency and we'll send you the request of listing page. And then we create the listing and you're all set on the free tier and turn percent free. And unless you want to upgrade in the future, perfect to recap it's care, listings.com. First step. If I'm home health, I look for home health. If I'm home care only for home care, I try to find my listing. And if so, I claim it and then I can start adding the information. If I don't find it, then I go to the contact us form and you guys will help them out and get them listed. All right. Well, thanks Carl. We're going to wrap it up there. Thanks again for being a guest on the home care heroes podcast. My pleasure. Thank you, Ken.

Announcer (30:25):

Thanks for joining us today on the home care heroes podcast, home care heroes is produced by Ankota, the software for the heroes of home care. You can listen to back episodes by visiting 4 home care heroes.com. That's the number four. Then the words, home care heroes dot com.



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