TED Says Move 50% of Health Care from Hospital to Home

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If you're not familiar with TED, you're really missing out! Totally free and covering a wide range of topics, including this one talking about moving healthcare FROM the hospital TO the home.

TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. TED includes conferences, videos, and more...and now there's even TEDMED 

This one featuring Eric Dishman of Intel is especially relevant to Ankota's customers and our company's mission of a fully coordinated and efficient healthcare ecosystem. Dishman makes a bold argument: "The US health care system is like computing circa 1959, tethered to big, unwieldy central systems: hospitals, doctors, nursing homes. As our aging population booms, it's imperative, he says, to create personal, networked, home-based health care for all." Further, he challenges the healthcare world to move 50% of all care FROM the hospital TO the home.

I won't spoil Dishman's approach or some of the fun technology that he gets excited about. To deliver on the promise of a distributed and largely home-based healthcare delivery model requires an integrated delivery model, or an ecosystem of providers that are well coordinated and operate efficiently. It is imperitive that such an ecosystem develop quickly by connecting providers together and helping them to operate efficiently, manage dependencies and coordinate care. This is Ankota's mission and we're already well on our way. Thousands of provider organizations already rely on Ankota's Care Coordination technology to improve patients' lives and lower overall costs every day.

 Ankota Care Coordination Technology Improves Care -- Click Here!

Eric Dishman bio

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