Not Enough Time
Running a business these days can take more time and energy that perhaps we ever thought was possible. It also can be difficult to manage your time and set aside dedicated blocks of time to focus on one item at a time considering the time-sensitive needs of your clients, caregivers, office staff, and your own to-do lists.
It's difficult, it might even feel impossible. But even if it is 30 minutes or 15 minutes per day, finding some dedicated time is a must both to sustain and grow your business. Everyone's situation is different, so I'm not going to presume to give you time-management advice here. I will suggest that setting a goal to focus on marketing on a regular basis and asking the people in your life to help you achieve this goal may work out better than you think if you keep at it.
Not Enough Know-How
HubSpot popularized the term "inbound marketing", or the idea that by getting folks to "opt in" to receiving informational content or offerings as a way to "nurture" them from a lead to a customer. The HubSpot blog offers free content and certifications on topics ranging from how to write a blog, SEO, marketing concepts overall, website grader, building campaigns, website best practices, and beyond.
Thrive Hive marketing resources
Thrivehive is similar to HubSpot though they focus mainly on helping small businesses grow. Their resource page offers tools such as a "Google My Business Grader," and a lot of Ebooks, videos,
Neil Patel Growth Hacking resources
What is "Growth Hacking?" Neil explains it this way:
A growth hacker is not a replacement for a marketer. A growth hacker is not better than marketer. A growth hacker is just different than a marketer. To use the most succinct definition from Sean’s post, “A growth hacker is a person whose true north is growth.”
Every decision that a growth hacker makes is informed by growth. Every strategy, every tactic, and every initiative, is attempted in the hopes of growing. Growth is the sun that a growth hacker revolves around. Of course, traditional marketers care about growth too, but not to the same extent. Remember, the power of a growth hacker is in their obsessive focus on a singular goal. By ignoring almost everything, they can achieve the one task that matters most early on.
This absolute focus on growth has given rise to a number of methods, tools, and best practices, that simply didn’t exist in the traditional marketing repertoire, and as time passes the chasm between the two discipline deepens.
Not Enough Money
Writing and creating other content takes time, but is free if you and your team put in time and effort on a regular basis. If you do have a bit of a budget, you can always look online for content creators on "freelancer" or "gig" websites such as Fiverr.com.
Not Enough Passion
On that note, if you haven't read our latest eBook on Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), please click the button below to get your copy today!
Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.
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