4 Things To Check When Updating Care Plans and Authorizations


Here's another blog entry from Kristy (who works on the Ankota technical support team) on ways to fix technical issues when updating Care Plans and Authorizations before they can happen: 

A lot of the technical support requests that I come across are caused by incorrectly entered Authorizations or Care Plans.

If there is even a slight error with these two areas, it can cause a variety of scheduling and/or billing issues.  The frustrating thing about these issues is that payments to your company could be delayed if they aren't fixed.

Let’s explore just a few tips on how to enter an error-free Authorization and Care Plan:

Double Check Your Dates

Often there are overlapping Authorizations which can cause a litany of issues with scheduling, reporting, and visit closures.  Check. Those. Dates!

Triple Check the Amount of Units

Some Auths come with Transportation units included in the total amount. Be aware of this when entering your Authorizations.  If this data is entered incorrectly, you will have billing/payment issues down the line, possibly causing your claims to be rejected by the state.

Be Sure to Update the Care Plan Too

Updating Authorizations goes hand in hand with Care Plans. A lot of times there are issues stemming from an Authorization that the Care Plan was not updated properly with dates and Care Plan items.  Be sure to update and double check this section as well.

Ask for Help

Working with Authorizations and accompanying Care Plans can be daunting! For Ankota customers, if you are not sure or just want to verify, ask us!  We are here to help. If you work a vendor other than Ankota, ask their technical support department, I'm confident they can help you through the process as well!


Do you have any tips or suggestions that you'd like to share with others about this?  Please feel free to let us know in the comments section.

On another note, if you're interested in COVID-19 resources for home care, click here to for Ankota's COVID-19 resource page 
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for us, or if there are other ways we can bring value to you, please reach out!

Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.


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