I came across an article from Aginginplace.com, entitled, "The 5 Most Important Elements Of Home Care For Seniors" that I felt that readers of the Ankota Home Care would find useful, especially home care owner/operators or folks selling home care services.
The article provides a lot of great insights for those seeking home care services to consider. It occurred to me that those same insights could help folks in the home care industry to better understand their prospects (and clients) and to better hone in on ways to reach, sell to, and to better serve our clients.
The article starts by discussing aging and our perception of aging from a wide view and from an emotional Point-of-View. That said, the article does drill down to specific and actionable advice. As an example of the perspective the article brings, here's a short example from the article:
Advocating a positive vision of aging, elderhood advocates encourage us to turn a blind eye to the foolish notions, so many of our peers hold that portray the aging process as a frightening, panic-inducing, gradual fade away into a kind of subhuman non-existence.
Rather, we are encouraged to think independently and realize aging for what it really is: a natural part of life that should be readily accepted, attended to, and integrated with the many other elements that ultimately construct and define our lives.
After all, age, disease, and disability, as well as long-term care do not define our existence as people; they are but just one aspect of life.
Please take a look at the full article here to get the full scope oof the piece and for the detailed breakdown of each category, but as a start, here are the high-level elements:
Specialized Services
Read the full article to get the full value of the article, and please let us know of any thoughts, feedback, or comments you'd like to share.
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Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.
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