Begin Again - This Week's Monday Moore Mantra

sara2 (2)-png-1Ankota COO, Sara Moore, has created a few initiatives to spark conversations about community in the home care industry.  Among other efforts, she created to provide a place online for folks in home care to share ideas, offer Best Practices and resources, and to promote events.
She has also started "Monday Moore Mantras." She sends them via email on Mondays, so despite the fact that this blog is being posted on a Thursday, here is this week's Monday More Mantra:
Last week our mantra was "forgive easily". That may not be so challenging at times. We forgive our friends, our family, our coworkers, and even our enemies.  But what about ourselves?  How good are we at forgiving ourselves?
I can admit that self-forgiveness can be tough.  But what if we tell ourselves, "it's okay to begin again."  Begin again with patience. Begin again with love. Begin again with forgiveness. Begin again with your diet/exercise (thanks quarantine!).  What ever your "again" is, allow yourself to begin it.  
As Henry Ford said, "Failure is the opportunity to begin more intelligently."
So go ahead, fail, just make sure you :
Begin Again
Call to Action
Show how thankful you are about your caregivers by nominating as AHCC Caregiver of the Month here!
If you haven't already, please check out A Home Care Community (AHCC) and if you feel inspired, become a member! The conversation pages are a big part of the community, so dig into previous conversations or start your own.
 An Offer!  If you have specific community goals that you would like to drive for your company and would like to chat, send us a note (in the share an idea section in our contact page).  We will schedule 1:1 meetings to help you move forward building your community!
With hope and gratitude, 
Sara Moore, Chief Operating Officer

Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit or contact us.


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