The Missouri Medicaid programs have a good number of challenges for agencies. The best home care software for Missouri needs the following key features that optimize the user experience (UX) for Missouri agencies, as follows:
- Calendar-Based Scheduling: Similar to your Google, Apple, or Outlook calendar, just click on the calendar to schedule visits.
- Schedule by Duration for Consumer Directed Services: With Consumer Directed Services (CDS), the home care agency doesn't schedule the visits (the consumer does) but in order to do the billing and payroll, you need to manage the time against the authorization.
- Offline Mobile GPS App: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requires that you identify the exact times and location of the start and end of each home care visit. Since mobile data coverage isn't perfect, you'll want a GPS mobile app that captures location and times even when there's no mobile coverage.
- Back-to-back visits: A typical schedule for the Missouri In-Home Services program has a caregiver performing personal care followed by homemaker visits. The software should allow the caregivers to clock-in once and clock-out once and do the accounting on the back-end. Additionally, the tasks (as specified in the Cyberaccess Plan of Care) need to be broken out among the appropriate visit types.
- Accrued Minutes: Most Medicaid programs require billing in 15-minute units of care where you round to the nearest 15 minutes. In Missouri, however, you can only bill for completed 15 minute units. So if for example a caregiver is scheduled for 2 hours but they leave after 1 hour and 58 minutes, you can only bill for 1 hour and 45 minutes. The good news is that you can "accrue" (hold onto) those additional 13 minutes and if the caregiver works let's set 6 minutes over the next day, you can add those together and bill for an extra unit. This is something that you definitely want your software to handle for you automatically.
- Monthly Unit Authorizations: Missouri Medicaid provides authorizations based on a 31 day month. But since some months have 30 days (or February with 28 or 29) if you follow your normal schedule you'll fall short of giving your clients all the care that's authorized for them. Look for software that applies the unused units and gets your clients all their authorized care.
- EMOMED Billing: There's a group called "Electronic Missouri Medicaid" (EMOMED) where you need to submit your claims. Your software should create properly formatted 837 claims for billing EMOMED electronically. Additionally, your software should be able to send authorization checks (EDI 270) messages to EMOMED and to accept Authorization Reports (EDI 271) and Remittance Advice (EDI 835)
- EVV Aggregator: Missouri announced that agencies will need to send proof of EVV compliance to an aggregator. The aggregator has not been chosen yet. It was also made clear that the burden of this should fall upon your software vendor.
If Ankota can help you in any way with your Missouri Medicaid home care challenges, please visit our Missouri Page.
Please feel free to reach out with questions or comments by clicking here.
Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.
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