Twitter Lists created for Home Care and Private Duty

Back in October, we introduced twitter on this blog.  If you don't know what twitter is, you can see the original post here.  Those short five months ago there wasn't a lot of conversation occuring about Home Care on Twitter, but since then things have started to pick up and many agencies, individuals and vendors are using twitter to share news and best practices 140 characters at a time.  On a broader scale, Twitter last week surpassed 10 billion tweets - that's a lot of messages!


Today I did some searching on twitter for titles and profiles of users with Home Care or Private Duty in their Title or Bio, and the number is over 1,000, so slowly but surely twitter is catching on.

But finding and following individuals interested in home care or private duty care can still be tricky if you look for them one-by-one.  To make this easier, twitter recently introduced Twitter Lists, which are essentially groups of people with a common bond.  By visiting a twitter list, you can see what a whole group of related people are talking about.  There's a great explanation of twitter lists in this article (courtesy of - the social media guide)


Based on my searches for twitter users who talk about matters related to home care and private duty care.  I created some twitter lists that you can explore with a single click.  For the home care one, go to and for the Private Duty one, go to  Note that you don't have to be a twitter user to check these out, but if you are a twitter user you can click "follow" and then the list will be available on your profile page so you can check into the conversation at any time.  To make it even easier, you can push one of the buttons below.

Home Care Twitter List   Private Duty Twitter List

Note that the Home Care list has 75 members so far and Private Duty has 33 (but we'll try to build this one up this week at NPDA in Philadelphia).

If you'd like to be added to (or removed from) either of these lists, we'd be happy to take care of that for you.  You can comment on this post or contact Ankota.  Be sure to tell us your twitter name (like mine is @AnkotaCTO).


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