Brightree is a leading provider of software for DME (Durable Medical Equipment) Providers. Their software manages orders, billing, inventory management, and fulfillment for retail and home delivery DME companies and they have been a market share leader for the past several years.
Just like the home health industry, the DME industry has become subject to reduced reimbursement and related pressures under a measure called competitive bidding. While this would generally be construed as bad news, Dave Cormack, the president of Brightree, has published an article discribing the "silver lining" for DME providers.
I strongly encourage you to read the full article on the Brightree site by clicking here, but the key points are as follows:
- Dave explained that the number of successful DME providers is declining
- But at the same time, the demand is growing
- As a result of decreasing competition and increasing demand, the opportunity for the surviving companies is bright
- This is the "Silver Lining"
- The key to survival is efficiency
The following diagram is the proverbial "picture that paints 1,000 words."

Why is this on the Ankota Blog?
First of all, the consolidation and demographic growth factors being seen in the DME space is analogous to the Home Health market and it creates some food for thought in home care.
But secondly, in addition to the software Ankota provides for care transitions, home care, and home health therapy, we have a product for optimizing the delivery of home medical equipment. The software is complementary to the Brightree software and other players in that market including Mediware, TIMS (from Computers Unlimited) and CPR+. Ankota's software optimizes the assignment and routing of of delivery tickets that come out of these systems and tracks the actual deliveries with GPS or other means.
Ankota agrees with Dave Cormack's main message that the survivors will be those who are most cost efficient, and Ankota can help. To learn more about Ankota's DME Delievery Software, please contact Ankota.
Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Today Ankota services home health therapy, private duty care, DME Delivery, and care coordination in accountable care organizations, behavioral health, dental care in nursing homes, and more. Ankota is always interested to learn about care coordination challenges where we can help. To learn more, please visit or contact Ankota.
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