The Future of Home Care on the Futurized Podcast with Ken Accardi

What do you predict for the future of home care?

Ankota CEO, Ken Accardi, was asked that very question in a recent episode of the Futurized Podcast with host and author, Trond Undheim. The topic of the episode was, of course, the future of home care. 

Podcasts are "all the rage" these days, though many folks may not be clear on exactly what they are.  Read below for a bit of a primer on podcasts and a summary of Ken's conversation on Futurized:



Let's start with some basics before getting into our topic:
  • What's a Podcast? Podcasts are on-demand audio recordings that you can listen to (no video).
  • How do I access Podcasts? Most people listen to Podcasts on their phone. Go to the Apple store or Google Play and download a Podcast App then download it onto your phone.
  • Now that I have the App, what do I do? Search for Futurized (e.g., with the magnifying glass). Make sure it looks like the picture above.  Next find the episode on the future of home care. As a "pro-tip" you can download when you're on WiFi and then you'll have it available anytime. Then you just press play.
  • When do people listen to Podcasts? I personally like to listen when I'm driving, in the airport or on a flight (not that I'm flying these days)
  • What other Podcasts do you recommend? There are many choices, but some of my admittedly nerdy favorites are Freakonomics Radio, The TED Radio Hour, The Moth Radio Hour, and Kind World.

Predictions on the Future of Elderly Care

undefined-Jul-30-2020-12-59-23-71-PMHere were some of the key predictions shared in the podcast:

  • Home Care will thrive as the home care recipient population more than doubles in the next 20 years.
  • The shortage of caregivers is the biggest risk that the industry faces, so care models will change
  • Many home care agencies and state Medicaid programs will increase support for Adult Day Care services once it becomes safe again
  • Since there will be fewer care providers, there will be Telehealth check-ins and caregivers in the field will visit with more clients during a workday
  • A great thing about our next generation of clients is that they're tech savvy and will be comfortable with smart phones, and web meetings
  • There will be "social robots" that will be companions, but the best ones will also help connect clients with their friends and to get help
  • There will also be physical robots because the more that can be done without a caregiver in the home, the better we'll do in the caregiver shortage.
Do you agree with this positive outlook for home care?  If yes, great! What other predictions do you have? If you don't agree, that's great too! Let us know what you predict.  

Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit or contact us.


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