Home Care Heroes Blog

5 Criteria Caregivers Look for in a Job According to Home Care Pulse

Home_Care_PulseA recent article from Home Care Pulse, entitled, "What Do Caregivers Look for in a Job?", shares 5 findings on this topic drawn from their comprehensive industry survey.
As always, I suggest that you read the entire article via this link, but as a start, here are the broad strokes of what they discovered in their research:

5 Top Criteria That Caregivers Look for in a Job

  • It was the first job they applied to or the first company that offered them a job.
  • The agency offered a good working environment, including frequent recognition and good employee benefits.
  • The agency was recommended to them by friends or family.
  • The agency had a good reputation.
  • The work hours fit their schedule.

Folks may find these answers to be surprising, enlightening, in alignment with what they assumed, or somewhere in between.  What do you think of the 5 criteria?  Please share your comments below.  And again, please give the full article a read to learn more about what the survey unearthed

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