Advice from Elders on Aging Gracefully

Aging_Gracefully_-_Ankota_Home_Care_Blog.jpgThankfully, I get fewer and fewer chain letters, inspirational writings, and bad jokes via email.  It seems that this practice has faded away (either that or people just realize that I'm not interested), but there are new ways to share that type of content, such as posting on Facebook.  If you've been on Facebook lately, then I'm sure you've noticed that viral videos, memes, and pictures of adorable or ridiculous cats are the new normal.


With all that in mind, I found this video from the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC)'s show Wiretap that I'm sure you will all enjoy.  It was described by one account that I saw as getting advice from your future self...

As someone who works with the elderly, I found this entertaining and heartwarming.  Spoiler Alert - If you haven't watched the video yet, you might want to skip this next bit.

The video features successively older people giving advice to those younger than them.  One of the first is from an 8 year old who says to the previous speaker, "Dear 7 year old, No matter what anyone says, Stay Weird," and it goes on from there.  I especially love the last guy to speak, at age 93, who says "Dear 91 year old, Don't listen to other people's advice. Nobody knows what the hell they're doing." Classic!

This reposting of CBC content is done by linking to CBC's posting, and as such, is authorized by the CBC terms of use.

If you're interested in care for the elderly, home care, and/or helping to avoid preventable hospitalizations, you can subscribe to this blog on the upper right corner of this page.

On a related note, Ankota has partnered with a new company called Triple Aim Technologies, that helps home care and home health agencies achieve the Triple Aim.  Click here to learn more about the Triple Aim and download a free whitepaper by clicking here:  "How Homecare Can Win Under the New Care Model".  

If you're interested in scheduling an online demo of our home care or care transitions software solutions, just click this button:

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Ankota Home Care Triple Aim White Paper

Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit or contact us.




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