7 Tips To Improve Marketing for Your Home Care Agency via CareAcademy

hand-3699825_1920I recently read an article on the CareAcademy website, entitled, "7 Unique Ways to Turn Caregivers into Marketing Ambassadors"    
that offers a plethora (7 is a "plethora," I'm sure of it!) of ideas for growing your home care business by involving your caregiver team. I enjoyed the article and feel that the information shared in it would be helpful to our readers, so I'm sharing it here.
And though I did note in a recent blog post, "4 Simple Ways to Market Your Home Care Agency", that:
Marketing doesn't come easy or naturally to a good amount of folks who run a business.  Even if marketing is of interest to folks or is a skillset that they do have, sometimes the amount of time needed to get a marketing campaign off the ground can be hard to find.
...I also know, as I'm sure we all do, that having a strong marketing strategy is a vital part of maintaining and growing a home care business.  
As always, I suggest that you read the entire article here, since it is an easy read though full of useful information that could help grow your home care business.  That said, here are a few of the high-level concepts that the article covers in order to get you interested:

Train for Excellence (Caregivers are Your “Product”)

A Star is Born (“Faces” of the Company)

Hundreds of Free Billboards (Company-Branded Scrubs)

Your Free Social Media Army (Online Marketing Campaigns) 

Community & Charity Engagement (Triple Participation Numbers)

Sales Call & In-Service Contributors (Add Substance to “Sales”)

Referral Bonuses (Huge ROI)

Again, take a look at the full article and let us know what you think. What marketing best practices can you share?  What has worked best for you to empower and engage your caregivers to participate in marketing your home care agency?  What worked, what didn't, and why? Please share your thoughts below in our comment section.
Also, if you have suggestions for topics or areas of interest to be covered in our blog, please reach out and let us know!

If you haven't read our latest eBook on managing a Home Care business, please click the button below to get your copy today!

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Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.


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