An article from Home Care Pulse, entitled, "Top 10 Complaints from Home Care Clients," offers a detailed rundown of the most prevalent complaints that home care clients have. I thought it would be helpful to our readers to see the list and to read the article so I wanted to mention it here.
Rather than our usual longer recap, his blog post here is more of a mention to point you toward the article
You can read the entire article by clicking this link here, but as a start, here are the first 3 complaints listed:
1. Confusion in communication due to multiple caregivers caring for one client.
2. Caregivers who aren’t punctual.
3. Inconsistent quality of care.
If you have any thoughts on the article please post below in the comments section.
On another note, we wanted to remind folks that Ankota has launched the Home Care Book Club (click previous link to join) on
Our Home Care Book Club was created so folks in the home care industry can connect, share ideas, learn Best Practices, and of course, to build community through chatting about books!
More specifically, Ankota CEO, Ken Accardi, will regularly suggest and recap a book for folks to read and to discuss via the platform. You can sign up and join the conversation by clicking here.
Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit or contact us.
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