4 Easy Ways to Make Homes Safe and Convenient for the Elderly

Our guest blogger today is Jane Blanchard, a blogger, home design geek, and graphic designer from Savannah, GA.


Making modifications to better accommodate an elderly individual can help keep them accident-free. Whether your elderly loved one lives alone or in your home, taking certain safety and convenience measures will keep the stress and worry off their mind--and yours. If your elderly guest is only staying temporarily, or you don’t have the time or budget for structural renovations, there are a few simple ways to make the home a more welcoming place for individuals with physical limitations.

1.)  Safe and Accessible Lighting



Adding lighting fixtures to frequented areas is a small fix that can a big difference to an elderly resident. If the individual is still able to walk up and down stairs, make their journey a little easier with stair lights. Adhesive touch lights and motion sensor lights are also a great option for dark stairways and hallways. Wireless remote controls for lighting fixtures can save your loved one the harrying trips in and out of bed or on and off the couch.

(Just click the the picture or the following hyperlink to be taken to the Amazon.com page to learn more.)

2.)  Intercom System

If your loved one lives with you or is often accompanied by a paid caregiver, a sophisticated intercom system can help meet their needs on a day-to-day basis. It can also allow them to alert someone in case of an emergency or potential emergency. Whether you choose a wireless intercom system or a wall-mounted system, the knowledge that the elderly resident can easily get in touch will put everyone’s mind at ease. Make sure the intercom can be easily accessed from both inside and outside of the house, and especially in places where accidents could easily occur, such as the bathroom and the kitchen.


3.)  Hardware Updates 

Take a good look around your house--a feature you don’t even think twice about might present an obstacle for someone with physical limitations. Thankfully, there are straightforward solutions to many hardware issues. Grab handles on the bathtub can make the simple task of bathing much easier and safer for a person with physical limitations. Cabinet handles that are more comfortable to grasp can lessen the struggles of those with arthritis. Hang hooks to make must-haves like kitchen utensils easy to get to.

(Just click the picture or this hyperlink to be taken to an Ebay page to learn more)


4.)  Clutter Management

Falls are the foremost cause of injury among elderly people. Keeping potential stumbling blocks out of the way will increase your loved one’s mobility, and therefore, independence. Electrical cords are one of the greatest hazards, so make sure that you either organize them with binder clips or run them along the wall whenever possible. Another major hazard is rugs or bunched up carpet, so make sure to flatten staple loose carpet and remove rugs that do not grip firmly to the floor. Make sure other objects usually found on the floor like plants, pet bowls, and box fans are safely out of the way. Taking these small but important precautions can help everyone in your house live harmoniously in a safe environment.

For more tips and tricks, head to Modernize.com.

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Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.




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