4 Questions to Help You Create an Effective Policy And Procedure Manual for Your Home Care Agency

One of the industry experts I learn from every time we speak is Ginny Kenyon, principal at Kenyon Home Care Consulting.  Ginny helps open home care agencies and has given Ankota great inputs on our software.  We at Ankota strongly believe that keeping elderly people healthy and comfortable in their homes (and out of the hospital) is an important step in the evolution of healthcare.  Ginny is one of the pioneers driving moves in home health delivery.  Enjoy her post (below).


Every homecare agency needs a policy and procedure manual. You know that. However, do you have what you need in it? If you don’t know the answer, then you need to look a little closer. Make sure your manual has what it needs to be the tool it was intended to be.  

A Few Questions To Ask Yourself: 

A policy and procedure manual collecting dust isn’t worth the paper and ink you used to print it. So, make sure your investment was worthwhile. Here are some items to determine if your manual is truly functional.  

  • How Easy Is Your Manual To Access?  Your staff is busy. If it is difficult to find or access the information they need, then they probably won’t look. Staff should have easy electronic access. 
  • Are Staff Involved? Does your agency review policies with staff? This has a dual purpose. Not only are you alerting them to changes, but you also receive input. You may decide based upon employee feedback that a policy needs changed. It doesn’t make sense to have a beautifully written manual that no one can follow. 
  • Do You Reference Your Manual In Decision Making? The easiest way to show consistency in how you function is to use the backing of your manual. Whether it is personnel management or clinical procedure, consistently reference the guidance of your manual. 
  • How Often Do You Update Your Manual? Regulations change all the time. Whether it is state or federal law relating to practice or labor, you need to keep it up-to-date. This makes sure you follow the law and keep yourself in the loop to any changes in law.  

At Kenyon Homecare Consulting, we have customizable manuals that are compliant for all types of service lines and accreditation. Check out our online templates today. We can also be called at 206-721-5091 or contacted online for further assistance.

This article, "A Great Policy And Procedure Manual Needs Staff Buy-In. Ask Yourself These Questions To See If You Have It!" first appeared in Kenyon HomeCare Consulting blog.


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provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.


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