5 Healthcare Fun Facts (Actually More Alarming Than Fun)

Just the Facts_Ankota homecare blogA friend of mine sent me a link to the healthcare page on the website www.justfacts.com.  I also found an article called 50 Depressing Facts About the Healthcare System That Will Make You Beg for Reform. There are a plethora of facts on these pages that are eye-opening, informative, and in many cases just sad.  I'd encourage you to go to the sources (via the links above) to see which facts are most interesting to you, but for now here are 5 facts that I found quite interesting:

  1. In inflation-adjusted dollars, healthcare spending in 1960 was $1,082 per person.  In 2010, it was $8,218 (an increase of 760%)

  2. The $2.4 trillion spent on healthcare in 2008 was nearly as much as food, clothing, and national defense combined.

  3. A quarter of Americans throw away prescriptions because they can't afford to fill them

  4. Healthcare spending dwarfs the combined profits of every corporation in America

  5. Doctors spend $210 Billion per year on procedures based on fear of liability, not patient need

Silver Lining 2 I always try to find the silver lining...  In this case that silver lining is that we can make a lot of improvement, and I believe that home care can be at the heart of that improvement.  Ankota has established a strategic partnership with the new company, Triple Aim Technologies (TAT).  TAT offers an automated solution that enables home health and home care agencies to very inexpensively keep tabs on their at-risk patients in between visits, and to be tipped off when they're exhibiting symptoms that are likely to lead to a hospitalization.  We're offering a free white paper explaining the Triple Aim solution (see below), and if you download the white paper, you can also express your interest in a free TAT pilot.

 "How Homecare Can Win Under the New Care Model" is available for download by clicking the link or the picture below.  

If you're interested in scheduling an online demo of our home care or care transitions software solutions, just click this button:

Click Here for a Free Demo

Ankota Home Care Triple Aim White Paper

Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.




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