8 Opportunities in Senior Care via a VC Investor

Ankota's marketing director, Jed Hammel doesn't come from the home care world but instead is an expert is social media marketing, filmmaking, event planning and more.  We hope you enjoy this article recapping how a venture capital investor sees opportunity in the senior care market.

an Investor at Redpoint Ventures, published a lengthy article on LinkedIn, entitled, "The $740 Billion Senior Care Market is Ripe for Disruption, but Full of Challenges," that I suggest those in home care read.

 Whether your role is that of an investor, caregiver, home care startup founder, agency manager, or beyond, the article gives a lot of useful data and a birds eye view of the opportunities and challenges in the senior care space.

As I noted above, I suggest that you read the full article here, but as a start, here's some of what Medha offers:

Birdseye View of Senior Care

  • Not only is the senior healthcare market huge, but it’s also growing quickly.

  • It is a market fraught with outdated and inefficient processes and little or fragmented competition in most segments.

  • Seniors want to leverage technology to manage their health.

  • Seniors are a diverse group, with varying needs and preferences.

The author goes on to outline opportunities and challenges in the space and offers these just some of the areas that mentions in the article that she projects as interesting growth areas.  To see all of what she suggests, check out the full article.  But as a start:

  • Post-acute Transition 

  • Remote Medical Communication

  • Mental Acuity Apps 

  • Day Programs 

  • Hospice Transition & Care  

Home Care and Healthcare is expanding and evolving at an increased pace, which can mean more opportunity to help folks, more advances in care offerings, and more competition for your business.  What are your thoughts on the home care space?  Where do you see the industry headed?  

One of Ankota's recent whitepapers, entitled "Selling Care Transition Services to Hospitals" is available for download and we think you'll find it useful.  Please click the link or the picture below to download.  If you're interested in scheduling an online demo of our home care or care transitions software solutions, just click this button:

Click Here for a Free Demo


Ankota provides software to improve the delivery of care outside the hospital, focusing on efficiency and care coordination. Ankota's primary focus is on Care Transitions for Readmission avoidance and on management of Private Duty non-medical home care. To learn more, please visit www.ankota.com or contact us.

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